Cropwise Financials
Farm management software that tracks agronomic inputs and analyzes field-by-field level profitability.
Getting Started
Farm Field Tree Management
- Property Maps
- Importing a Farm Field Tree into Cropwise Financials
- Exporting Shapefiles from John Deere Operations Center
- Using Draw and Import Tools to Create a Farm Field Tree
- Mass and Single Crop Zone Assignments to Fields
- Viewing Farm and Field Detail Summary
Record Entry - Plans, Recs, and Tasks
Harvest Records - Yield
Products and Inventory Management
Regulatory Integrations
Processor Integrations
Machinery Integrations
- Creating a John Deere Equipment Data Integration with Cropwise Financials
- Creating a CNH Equipment Data Integration with Cropwise Financials
- Creating a Farmobile Equipment Data Integration with Cropwise Financials
- Matching Pending Products for Integrations
- Matching Pending Applications to Crop Zones with Integrations
Cropwise Financials Mobile App
- Viewing Information and Records by Field
- Creating a Crop Plan in the Mobile App
- Creating an Agronomic Recommendation in the Mobile App
- Capturing Field Activities Through Tasks in the Mobile App
- Creating an Invoice in the Mobile App
- Using Weather and Rain Gauges in the Mobile App