Yield Loads are created within Cropwise Financials to track harvest and yield records. By utilizing Storage and Sale Yield Loads, the productivity and profitability of farms, fields, and crop zones can be more thoroughly analyzed and lead to greater data-driven decision making.
How can I create a Yield Load?
• Creating a Storage Load
• Creating a Sale Load
• Finalizing the Loads List
Creating a Storage Load
A Storage Load is used to track harvest and yield records from the field to where the harvested crop is to be stored. By tracking the harvested crop to the storage location, and then through possible additional storage locations off the farm before reaching the point of sale, proper management and traceability of the harvest can be achieved.
Creating a Storage Load from Field(s)
To create a Storage Load from a field or fields, navigate to Yield > Loads > +Yield Loads.
Before entering yield load related information, ensure that the correct Template and Crop is selected in the upper-left corner.
The Row Crop Template enables the tracking of Yield Quantity Shrink and additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, Moisture %, and Test Weight. The Specialty Crop Template enables the tracking of additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, and Quality.
The Load Name will default to a timestamp based on the initials of the signed-in user and the current time but can be adjusted to suit your needs.
For a storage load to be associated to a field or fields, the linked crop zones will need to be selected within the Source drop-down. Begin by clicking on Select Properties. Next, choose the crop zone(s) that the yield load was harvested from. Complete the process by selecting Save Selection.
In the Destination menu select the proper Storage location. For more information on creating a new storage location, click here.
The Date & Time should be updated to ensure accurate record keeping.
Note: The accuracy of the date & time is important because a sale load created from a storage location will use the First In, First Out (FIFO) Inventory Method in deciding to which storage loads and crop zones to allocate revenue.
Enter the Harvested Quantity for this load. The harvest quantity can also be measured in additional units of measure to suit your needs.
Shrink can be accounted for by entering the applicable quantity to reach the Final Yield Quantity.
Depending on which Crop Template was selected, additional Load Attributes are available to be entered.
The Weight, Truck, Driver, and Notes for the yield load can be captured, but is not required.
Note: Truck information and Driver Name should be created prior to creating the yield load in the Equipment and People menus, respectively.
Upon completion of the yield load details, complete the creation process by selecting Add to List, or complete this yield load and begin creating a new yield load using the same source and destination by selecting Add to List & Create New.
Click here to learn about the Loads List where the completed load(s) can be deleted, modified, or saved.
Creating a Storage Load from a Storage Location
To create a Storage Load from another storage location, navigate to Yield > Loads > +Yield Loads.
Before entering yield load related information, ensure that the correct Template and Crop is selected in the upper-left corner.
The Row Crop Template enables the tracking of Yield Quantity Shrink and additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, Moisture %, and Test Weight. The Specialty Crop Template enables the tracking of additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, and Quality.
The Load Name will default to a timestamp based on the initials of the signed-in user and the current time but can be adjusted to suit your needs.
To move a storage load from one storage location to another, the storage location where the yield load is moving from will need to be selected within the Source drop-down.
In the Destination menu select the Storage location where the yield load is being transferred. For more information on creating a new storage location, click here.
The Date & Time should be updated to ensure accurate record keeping.
Note: The accuracy of the date & time is important because a sale load created from a storage location will use the First In, First Out (FIFO) Inventory Method in deciding to which storage loads and crop zones to allocate revenue.
Enter the Harvested Quantity for this load. The harvest quantity can also be measured in additional units of measure to suit your needs.
Shrink can be accounted for by entering the applicable quantity to reach the Final Yield Quantity.
Depending on which Crop Template was selected, additional Load Attributes are available to be entered.
The Weight, Truck, Driver, and Notes for the yield load can be captured, but is not required. Note: Truck information and Driver Name should be created prior to creating the yield load in the Equipment and People menus, respectively.
Upon completion of the yield load details, complete the creation process by selecting Add to List, or complete this yield load and begin creating a new yield load using the same source and destination by selecting Add to List & Create New.
Click here to learn about the Loads List where the completed load(s) can be deleted, modified, or saved.
Creating a Sale Load
A Sale Load is used to track harvest and yield records from the field or storage location to where the harvested crop is to be sold. By tracking the harvested crop to the point of sale, the revenue generated at a farm, field, and crop zone level can be properly reported and analyzed.
Creating a Sale Load from Field(s)
To create a Sale Load from a field or fields, navigate to Yield > Loads > +Yield Loads.
Before entering yield load related information, ensure that the correct Template and Crop is selected in the upper-left corner.
The Row Crop Template enables the tracking of Yield Quantity Shrink and additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, Moisture %, and Test Weight. The Specialty Crop Template enables the tracking of additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, and Quality.
The Load Name will default to a timestamp based on the initials of the signed-in user and the current time but can be adjusted to suit your needs.
For a sale load to be associated to a field or fields, the linked crop zones will need to be selected within the Source drop-down. Begin by clicking on Select Properties. Next, choose the crop zone(s) that the yield load was harvested from. Complete the process by selecting Save Selection.
In the Destination menu select the proper Sale location. For more information on creating a new sale location, click here.
The Date & Time should be updated to ensure accurate record keeping.
Enter the Harvested Quantity for this load. The harvest quantity can also be measured in additional units of measure to suit your needs.
Shrink can be accounted for by entering the applicable quantity to reach the Final Yield Quantity.
Record either the Sale Price or Gross Revenue for this yield load. The calculation will auto-fill the value for the other piece of information based on the quantity.
Depending on which Crop Template was selected, additional Load Attributes are available to be entered.
The Weight, Truck, Driver, and Notes for the yield load can be entered, but is not required. Note: Truck information and Driver Name should be created prior to creating the yield load in the Equipment and People menus, respectively.
Upon completion of the yield load details, complete the creation process by selecting Add to List, or complete this yield load and begin creating a new one using the same source and destination by selecting Add to List & Create New.
Click here to learn about the Loads List where the completed load(s) can be deleted, modified, or saved.
Creating a Sale Load from a Storage Location
To create a Sale Load from a storage location, navigate to Yield > Loads > +Yield Loads.
Before entering yield load related information, ensure that the correct Template and Crop is selected in the upper-left corner.
The Row Crop Template enables the tracking of Yield Quantity Shrink and additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, Moisture %, and Test Weight. The Specialty Crop Template enables the tracking of additional load attributes such as Damage %, Foreign Material %, and Quality.
The Load Name will default to a timestamp based on the initials of the signed-in user and the current time but can be adjusted to suit your needs.
For a sale load to be created from a storage location, the storage location where the yield load is moving from will need to be selected within the Source drop-down.
In the Destination menu select the proper Sale location. For more information on creating a new sale location, click here.
The Date & Time should be updated to ensure accurate record keeping.
Enter the Harvested Quantity for this load. The harvest quantity can also be measured in additional units of measure to suit your needs.
Shrink can be accounted for by entering the applicable quantity to reach the Final Yield Quantity.
Record either the Sale Price or Gross Revenue for this yield load. The calculation will auto-fill the value for the other piece of information based on the quantity.
Depending on which Crop Template was selected, additional Load Attributes are available to be entered.
The Weight, Truck, Driver, and Notes for the yield load can be entered, but is not required. Note: Truck information and Driver Name should be created prior to creating the yield load in the Equipment and People menus, respectively.
Upon completion of the yield load details, complete the creation process by selecting Add to List, or complete this yield load and begin creating a new one using the same source and destination by selecting Add to List & Create New.
Finalizing the Loads List
As a yield load is completed, it will be shown in the Loads List including the Load Name, Yield Quantity, and Date & Time.
If any edits to the yield loads are needed, the load can be selected, adjustments can then be made, and then completed by selecting Save Changes. Additionally, a load can be deleted by using the trash can icon.
Once all loads are finalized, the process can be completed by selecting Save All Loads.
Click here to learn more about the Commodity Summary in Cropwise Financials.
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