The CalAg Integration allows users to submit the Pesticide Use Report to CalAg for crop protection products documented in completed applications in Cropwise Financials. This includes Recommendations that were imported from Agrian and converted into a completed application. The ability to submit a Pesticide Use Report through Cropwise Financials help with accuracy and speed of reporting to the state of California.
To get started, in Cropwise Financials, select the Integrations option in the left hand menu. Then select the CalAg Permits option.
The process of submitting a Pesticide Use Report to CalAg is detailed in the 5 steps. Start by selecting the green Start a new Submission button at the top.
Step 1: Select the Cropwise Financials Crop Season to export the records from. Then set the date range for the applications to submit and click next.
Step 2: Select the fields for the submission. Fields can be filtered by Farm or by Crop.
Step 3: Next, select all of the products to submit. This will require the CDPR Registration # be added. This can be found by searching the California Department of Pesticide Regulation website link provided. *This step is required the first time a product is used, but will auto populate after the first use.
- Use the link to access the California Department of Pesticide Regulation website. This site can be used to search for products and their registration number.
Step 4: Adding field details is the next step. This information can be added to the Details tab on the Properties page for each field and will auto populate on the submission, It can also be added here while making the submission. It is important for the fields to be registered on the CalAg website and the information match in order to complete the submission.
Step 5: The final step before submission is to review the information and choose the applicator. Once the applicator is matched, the records can be submitted.
After clicking Submit, there is a confirmation page before entering the user name and password to complete the submission.
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