The Property Maps feature allows users to download and print boundary maps of selected farms, fields, and/or crop zones from their Farm Field Tree. These maps can be color coded by crop and the map details can be toggled on or off per the users preference. This allows users to print color coded maps of farms, fields, and crop zones either for their own record keeping or to provide to third party applicators who may not be as familiar with the properties.
To begin, select on Properties in the menu, then navigate to the Bulk Actions button, located in the lower-left corner of the screen. After clicking on Bulk Actions, select Export PDF Maps.
The user will be brought to the Export PDF Maps screen. To the left of the map is the Farm Field Tree list where the user can select the farms, fields, or crop zones they would like to include in the PDF map. There is a Select All Properties option available as well as several options to search and filter the Farm Field Tree list to ensure an efficient selection process. The filter options are located above the Farm Field Tree list and include...
1. Search for a farm, field, or cropzone using the search bar.
2. Filter the list by farm.
3. Sort the list by crop.
**Take notice of the Printable area outlined on the map. The light blue box represents what portion of the map will be included on the PDF map. Be sure to check that all selections fall inside the Printable area if you wish to include them on the PDF map.
Once selections are made in the list and the fields are within the Printable area, click Next.
The customize layout window will open. It is on this page where the user can edit the map layout to reflect their preferences. Changes to the layout can be made in the edit window to the left of the screen.
The user can customize the Background map image, Background fields that have not been selected, crop colors, map labels, and the page footer.
Once the map has been customized to the users liking, click the Download PDF button at the bottom of the screen. This will save a PDF map to the users computer where they can then print or share the PDF map.
After downloading the PDF map, the user can click Close to return to the Properties page or click Create another PDF map.
If you have any questions regarding this content, please reach out to us with the contact information provided below.
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