Once an integration is made and the data is processed, the next step is matching the products and the crop zones. It is important to match the products from the imported data to a Cropwise Financials product in order to pull correct EPA, Re-Entry, and Pre-Harvest information for Crop Protection products. The system will do a spatial match on the records to the Cropwise Financials farm-field tree, but it is also important to match the data to the correct crop on the field.
Below we will walk through the process of making the product matches. After the integration has been created and it has had time to process the available data, you can begin importing it into Cropwise Financials. Starting in Cropwise Financials, choose the Integrations tab, then select the Cropwise Connect box.
Once in Cropwise Connect, be sure to select the correct Organization to view the imported data. Next select the Resource Mapper icon on the left, and choose the Calendar Year to view the pending product matches.
To view specific pending products and all the instances where the product was applied, select on the product in the menu on the left. This will display all available instances. To see more details choose the expansion arrow on the specific record.
To match the product that was entered in the monitor to a Cropwise Financials master list product, choose the Select Product tab at the top right. This will present three suggested results to match to the product, but there is also a search function if the first three results are not correct.
After the product is matched, the next step is to select the specific application(s) or Select All Instances of the product application to match the product.
Next, there is the option to Apply to Future Mappings. By choosing this, all future applications of that product will be auto matched as they are imported into Connect, saving you time from matching again.
Then choose Update Product to complete the match. Follow this process for all pending products in the list on the left. It is important to match all pending products within an application for the record(s) to appear in Cropwise Financials.
The next step is matching the applications to a specific crop on a field. Click Here to learn more about matching pending applications to a Cropwise Financials Crop Zone.
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