The ability to manage user permissions for a Cropwise organization is available only to users with Admin permissions to that organization.
To manage user permissions, navigate to the Organization menu located on the left side of the screen. Once selected on the Organization menu, scroll down on the page until you reach the Organization Members section.
To Invite a user to the organization, click on Invite Member, located in the upper right corner of the Organization Members section.
First, capture the new member's First Name, Last Name and Email
User Role is the type of permission the member has access to.
Admin grants administrative control over all organizational data. This user type can manage other member permissions, including inviting other users.
Full Control grants full control over all organization record management and reporting. Cannot manipulate organization profile details. This user type can view, but not manage other member permissions or invite other users.
View Only grants read-only access to all organization records and reporting. This user cannot view or manage other member permissions.
Financial Information Access is the control of how much access a member has to financials information. These access options include Edit Access, View Only, and No Access.
After the permissions are configured, select the Save button.
After clicking save and inviting the user to the organization, the invited user will be visible in the member list.
The status of the users in the organization member list are visible to the right of the user.
There are three types of user status.
Pending - This user status is displayed in a yellow text box. Pending indicates that the user has been invited to the organization but does not have a Cropwise user account created. The invited user will need to create a Cropwise user account and then after signing in, the organization will be visible to that user.
(Pending user status will expire 30 days after the user was invited. If the invited user does not create their Cropwise user account within the time allotted, the invite will expire, and the user will need to be re-invited).
Joined – This user status is displayed in a green text box and indicates that the invited user has access to the organization.
(If the user has an existing Cropwise user account, they will show as Joined to the organization directly after being invited. If the user is showing as Pending, the user status will change to Joined after creating the user account).
- Revoked – This user status is displayed in a red textbox and indicates that the user had access to the organization at one time, but the permissions have since been removed and the user no longer has access to the organization.
Editing User Permissions:
(Only users with Admin permissions to the organization have the ability to edit other users permissions).
To edit user permissions to an organization, click on the three dots to the right side of the users Status.
After clicking on the three dots, a pop-up window will appear with the option to select Edit Access or Revoke Access.
When Edit Access is selected, the Invite Member pop-up window will appear where edits can be made. After the edits are completed, click the green Save button in the lower right corner to update the user.
When clicking the three dots on a user with a Revoked status, an invite can be resent to the user. After clicking Resend Invite, the user will automatically have access to the organization and show a Joined status.
If you have any questions regarding this content, please reach out to us with the contact information provided below.
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