Generating Reports in Cropwise Financials is important for reporting to different agencies and processors, or for auditing and management practices. Several reports are currently available and more will be added.
Reports can be generated in the Cropwise Financials website by selecting the Reports tab in the main menu. Once on the Reports tab, select the desired report to run. Next, select the season, dates and properties to filter the report information.
Once the report is selected in the menu it will start to generate. If any of the report details are edited, the Update Report button will turn green. Select the Update Report button to refresh the report on the right.
To download the report, select the Export button in the upper left of the report, then choose PDF. This will generate a file in the lower left of a Chrome browser or appear in the downloads folder. If the file does not generate on the first attempt, check for a popup blocker and select Allow.
Available reports include:
Applied Products
Applied Products by Field
- Breakdown by field of all products/services applied, includes cost by category, total and per acre.
- Often used to evaluate or audit an operation on a by Field basis.
Applied Products by Crop Details
- Breakdown by crop of all products/services applied, includes cost by category, total and per acre.
- Often used to evaluate or audit an operation on a by Crop basis.
Applied Products By Day
- Printout of each application with regulator information including Applicator info, Weather, Re-Entry Intervals, Pre-Harvest Intervals, Active Ingredient information and Restrictive Use Pesticide.
- Can be use for regulatory compliance reporting.
Applied Products Details
- Breakdown of all products/services applied, by farm and by field
- Can be used to evaluate inventory, audit rates applied, or see total product applied.
- Report generates for all applications containing a product with Dicamba as an active ingredient.
- Used to meet state regulatory compliance for applying dicamba products. Populates based on information captured in the application. Additional data can be written in.
Fertilizer Report
- Breakdown by crop zone, displays planting information and all fertilizers applied along with the total units of each nutrient.
- Can be used to audit fertilizer application or evaluate the total fertilizer analysis used to grow a crop.
Pesticide Use Report
- Provides a summary of all crop protection products applied to a field within a given month. In California, this report must be submitted by the 10th of each month.
- Specifically for the State of California, but can be used to potentially meet other state requirements for reporting applications by month.
REI Report
- Provides the Restricted Entry Interval expiration date/time and status by field and crop zone based on crop protection restrictions.
- Allows users to easily identify the re-entry restrictions for each field and crop zone to meet regulatory safety compliance. It can be generated and posted regularly to inform employees of the status.
PHI Report
- Provides the Pre-Harvest Interval expiration date and status by field and crop zone base on crop protection restrictions.
- Allows users to easily identify the harvest restrictions for each field and crop zone to meet regulatory safety compliance. It can be generated and posted regularly to inform employees of the status.
- Detailed view of all Crop Protection products applied by field/crop zone including application date, registration number, REI, PHI, method, target pest, applicator, applicator license number, RUP, product rate and total.
- Also provides a total of all active ingredients by field.
- Often used to meet Local and State requirements, processor restrictions, and other regulatory reporting needs.
Applied Products Summary
- Provides total of products/services applied and total cost by product.
- Often used for internal audit purposes to review total product usage and cost.
Notice of Application
- Detailed view of each application including applicator information, REI, PHI, regulatory numbers, RUP, Target pest, application method, and weather information.
- Often used with specialty crops to be posted at the field to provide the details of the most recent application to ensure safety and compliance.
Applied Products by Field
Production Records
Print Invoices
- Generates a single report with each individual invoice within a defined date range.
Print Plans
- Generates a printout in one file for all plans in the selected crop season.
Print Recommendations
- Generates a single report with each individual recommendation within a defined date range.
Print Task
- Generates a single report with each individual task within a defined date range.
Print Invoices
Excel Report
- Provides an excel export of all data related to Properties, Plans, Recs, Task and Invoices.
- Can be used to manipulate the data columns or rows to create a custom report.
Excel Report
Crop Layout Report
- Generates a list of crops by farm/field with location, planting information, acres, and field details.
- Often used as an overview to evaluate crops assigned and varieties planted.
Crop Zone info
- Report provides a one page summary of each crop zone along with a Map. Displays FSA, field location details, and planting information.
- Used with FSA and audit purposes.
Crop Layout Report
Inventory Summary
- Summarizes all products within an organization, includes amount purchased, applied and remaining. As well as total cost of products purchased and applied to task.
- Often used internally to audit inventory and manage cost.
Plans Summary
- Used to group like products on selected plans to assess total planed usage and cost.
- Often used when working with retailers or bankers to aid in making decisions and purchases for the up coming crop year.
Inventory Summary
Yield and Profitability
Profitability Report
- Breakdown by Farm/Field/Crop of total crop harvested. Includes total yield, income, and cost as well as yield and revenue per acre. Also includes total income, cost and revenue by crop and farm.
- Used to evaluate ROI on a Farm, Field, and Crop basis.
Yield Production Report
- Summary of yield by Farm/Field/Crop. Includes total and per acre yield information as well as variety and FSA field information.
- Often used for regulatory reporting purposes.
Profitability Report
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