Assigning Crops to Fields
To assign crops to fields, click on the seasons tab, located at the bottom of the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
In order for the fields to be visible, click on the dropdown arrow for that section on the right side of the screen.
Once the list of fields are visible, select the field(s) that you wish to assign a single crop to. Only one crop can be assigned at a time but one or multiple fields can be selected at a time. Once fields are selected, Click on the green +Associate Crop button at the bottom of the screen.
When associating a crop, users can scroll through the dropdown list or search for the crop they wish to assign. It's Important to note that the crop selected must be the US version of the crop in order for a methodology to be correctly assigned. The US crop that needs to be selected will have (US) listed beside the crop in the dropdown list.
Once the crop is selected, Select the date range for the crop season, and name the crop season.
The crop season name will default to "the crop that's selected-the year of selected date", for example Corn(US) 2024, but can be changed after saving the crop season. When all the required information has been entered, click the green Save button.
After saving, the user will see the crop season in the list along with the fields that have been associated to that crop season. They can then proceed to assigning more crops to fields by repeating this process.
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