September 26, 2024 - CWF Web
- [Tasks] Additional values now carry over to duplicated Tasks, including Task Type, Timing Event, Authorizer and Date, Applicator, Company and Notes.
- [Tasks] A new Task ID is generated when a Task is duplicated.
- [Tasks] The Applicator, Company, and Authorizer lists are now sorted alphabetically.
- [Invoices] Users can now enter negative product quantities on invoices.
- [Reports] When generating the Multi-Print Tasks report Fields and Products are now sorted alphabetically.
Bug fixes
- [Properties] Resolved an issue that prevented the Cost Analysis button from functioning
- [Properties] Fixed an issue for large organizations that blocked them from adding Crop Zones
- [Properties] Corrected the search functionality for some organizations with large farm field trees
- [Properties] Addressed an intermittent issue that prevented users from successfully changing the crop on a Crop Zone.
- [Plans, Recommendations, Invoices, Tasks] Fixed an intermittent issue that caused Product Quantity to show as 'NaN'.
- [Tasks] Resolved an intermittent issue that caused incorrect or missing REI/PHI values when exporting Task PDFs.
- [Tasks] Coverage percentage is now correctly calculated based on the Reported Area (if available) rather than the Boundary Area
- [Recommendations] Fixed an issue that led to incorrect calculations when switching between Rate/Area and Rate/Tank.
- [Products] Resolved an intermittent issue that prevented the Applied Quantity from being subtracted from the Available Quantity.
- [Reports] Fixed instances of duplicated Invoices on the Excel report.
September 12, 2024 - CWF Web
- [Excel Report] Users can now view Property Details on the Property tab when generating the Excel Report.
- [Excel Report] Users can now view all Task statuses in the Excel Report within their own separate tabs.
- [Excel Report] Added an Applicator column when viewing Tasks in the Excel Report.
Bug Fixes
- [Organization] Resolved an intermittent issue that caused multiple organizations to be created when signing up for a new Cropwise account.
- [Plans, Recommendations, Invoices, Tasks] Fixed screen glitching when scrolling through the product search results.
- [Tasks] Users can now search Tasks across multiple pages.
- [Tasks] Fixed the 'Next Page' button when navigating between pages on the Task list.
- [Tasks] Fixed an intermittent issue that caused a duplicated Task to be created with zero Products and zero Fields.
- [Tasks] Fixed an issue that resulted in the wrong product being removed when deleting products from a duplicated Task.
- [Tasks] When editing a Task, the Weather Start Date & Time will now match the Task Start Date & Time.
- [Tasks] Fixed the 'Select All' product button when converting a Plan to a Task.
- [Products] Fixed an intermittent issue with the Total Invoiced Quantity calculations when viewing product details.
- [Reports] Fixed an intermittent issue causing AI totals to be incorrect for some users on the Applied Product Summary, Detail, Regulatory, and Excel reports.
- [Reports] Fixed a calculation issue on the Applied Product Regulatory report that caused Product Totals to be incorrect.
August 29, 2024 - CWF Web
- [Recommendations & Tasks] Increased the character limit when saving notes.
Bug Fixes
- [Tasks] Fixed rounding issues when adjusting the coverage area on a Task.
- [Tasks] Fixed an intermittent issue that caused the boundary to display incorrectly when generating a Task PDF.
- [Tasks] Fixed an intermittent error that occurred when creating a Task with a large number of acres.
- [Tasks] When creating a Task, unchecking the 'Select All' button will now deselect all properties.
- [Plans] Fixed the page numbers when generating a Plan PDF.
- [Recommendations] Users can now successfully sort their Recommendations by any of the available columns.
- [Products] Fixed an intermittent issue resulting in missing records when viewing associated Invoices on the Products page.
- [Products] Fied an intermittent calculation error when viewing Total Available Quantity on the Products page.
- [Reports] Fixed the Total Product and AI calculations on the Applied Product Regulatory and Summary reports.
- [Reports] Fixed the Applied Area calculation on the Applied Products by Day, Details, Notice of Application, and Pesticide Use Reports.
- [Reports] Corrected some of the text alignment issues on the Fertilizer report.
August 19, 2024 - CWF iOS + CWF Integrations
1.9.0 iOS Release - Yield
Users can now manage harvest loads on-the-go within Cropwise Financials Mobile.
- Enter and view harvest loads on your device from anywhere.
- Track harvested loads from the field through to storage or sale locations.
- Keep an eye on in-season performance and revenue from the Yield Summary page.
iOS Enhancements
- Resolved issue with records created in iOS getting stuck in Pending state.
- This should improve the overall user experience with CWF iOS and prevent any data loss that users have previously reported.
- Overall performance improvements and other minor bug fixes.
CWF Integrations
Users can now access regulatory-based integrations - Agrian and CalAg Permits.
- Agrian
- Users can ingest Recommendations into CWF.
- CalAg Permits
- Users can submit pesticide usage reports based on Tasks entered in CWF.
August 15, 2024 - CWF Web
Bug Fixes
- [Tasks] Corrected behavior that prevents users from unselecting all fields when creating a Task.
- [Tasks] Resolved intermittent errors that occur when creating Tasks with Tank Information.
- [Tasks] Fixed an error that occurs when duplicating Rate/Tank Tasks.
- [Tasks] Fixed a calculation issue when converting kernels to bags.
- [Recommendations] Added missing total product units when generating a Recommendation PDF.
- [Plans] Fixed an issue with the Timing Event filters when creating a Task from a Plan.
- [Products] Fixed behavior causing the List Price to display with the incorrect unit when a product was Invoiced with a non-standard unit of measure.
- [Products] Corrected logic that required users to enter a 'density' value when creating a solid custom fertilizer product.
- [Yield] Fixed an issue preventing users from selecting Properties when creating Yield Loads.
- [Reports] Fixed an issue that caused 500 errors when generating a multi-print Task report with invalid geometries.
- [Reports] Fixed the date filter when generating a multi-print Task report.
- [Reports] Fixed the sort order on the multi-Print Task report.
August 2, 2024 - CWF Web
- [Reports] Added the Invoice Due Date on the Excel Report.
- [Reports] Improved formatting on the Excel report.
Bug Fixes
- [Properties] Fixed an intermittent issue that caused errors when adding Corn or Soybean Crop Zones.
- [Properties] Removed multiple instances of Corn : Sweet from the crop list.
- [Properties] Fixed inverted coordinate values on the Field and Crop Zone.
- [Tasks] Resolved errors that occurred when using custom created fertilizer products in a Task.
- [Tasks] Fixed rounding issues when calculating the Total Cost on a Task.
- [Plans] Fixed an error that occurred when deleting duplicate products from a Plan.
- [Plans] Fixed behavior where the planned area reverted to one acre when editing a Plan.
- [Production Records] Users can now use 'Natural Gas' and 'Electricity' products in any Production Record.
- [Reports] The Tasks multi-print report now correctly displays the Crop Zone boundary instead of Field boundary.
- [Reports] Corrected missing coordinates on the Task multi-print report.
- [Reports] Adjusted the Cost/Acre calculation to reflect the area of each specific Task on the Applied Products by Field report.
- [Reports] Fixed incorrect product quantities and costs on the Applied Products by Crop report.
- [Reports] Fixed an issue resulting in incorrect total product units on the Applied Products Details report.
- [Interoperability] Permission now display correctly between Cropwise Financials and Cropwise Imagery.
July 15, 2024 - CWF Web
Advanced Yield Crop Templates
- Users can now utilize Load Templates within the Add Load flow to more robustly capture their harvest data. Each template contains data fields relevant to the corresponding crop type.
- Default All Crops – this is a generic load ticket to enable quick load tracking with minimal details.
- Default Row Crop Template – designed with Row Crop growers in mind, this template contains additional data points such as shrink, damage, foreign material, moisture, and test weight.
- Default Specialty Crop Template – designed with specialty growers in mind, this template contains additional data points such as damage, foreign material, and quality.
Properties > Details – Yield Summary Data
- Users can now see summarized Yield data and individual loads attributed to a specific Field and Crop Zone. This at-a-glance view enables quicker, better-informed, decision making.
- Aggregated data includes – Average Yield per Acre, Total Harvested Yield, and Total Number of Harvested Loads.
- Viewing individual loads allows the users to jump to the specific ticket.