There are instances where users need to submit multiple SOA assessments, such as completing an assessment for an additional farm location or other crops. After completing the first SOA Assessment, users are able to continue on to complete additional assessments as needed.
*It is important to note that submitting another assessment does not replace or update the previously submitted assessment. It allows the user to submit more than one assessment.
To begin the process of completing another assessment, navigate to the Reports tab at the bottom of the screen.
Once on the Reports tab, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on the green button that says Submit another assessment. A pop up window will appear asking the user if they are sure they want to continue on to submit an additional assessment. Click on the green Get started button to continue. If the user does not wish to complete an additional assessment, click the Cancel button.
After selecting the Get started button, the user will be brought to the Farm screen. Here, the user is able to update the farm information for the new assessment they are submitting by changing the Farm Address, selecting a new partner, or choosing a new crop. Click the pencil icon next to the section of information the user is needing to change. Proceed to editing the information and when finished, click the green Done button at the bottom of the screen.
After editing the information needed for the new SOA assessment, review it to make sure that its showing correctly. If everything looks correct, click the green Continue button.
After clicking Continue, there will be a disclaimer page pop up explaining that this additional assessment being completed will be pre-populated with the previous assessments answers. To continue with the additional assessment, click Get started.
The user will be brought to the activities page. Here is where the SOA assessment questions are answered by the user. Like it stated on the previous screen, the majority of the assessment questions have been pre-populated with the previous assessments answers. This allows the user to edit specific answers without having to answer all assessment questions again. All answers to questions are able to be edited. Click on the section where answers are needed, or needed to be changed, and enter the information for each remaining question.
After answering the remaining assessment questions, the user can complete this additional assessment by clicking Submit All at the bottom of the screen.
If you have any questions regarding this content, please reach out to us with the contact information provided below.
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